Source code for oauth2app.token

#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""OAuth 2.0 Token Generation"""

from base64 import b64encode
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.contrib.auth import authenticate
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from simplejson import dumps
from .exceptions import OAuth2Exception
from .consts import REFRESHABLE
from .lib.uri import normalize
from .models import Client, AccessRange, Code, AccessToken, TimestampGenerator 
from .models import KeyGenerator

[docs]class AccessTokenException(OAuth2Exception): """Access Token exception base class.""" pass
[docs]class UnvalidatedRequest(OAuth2Exception): """The method requested requires a validated request to continue.""" pass
[docs]class InvalidRequest(AccessTokenException): """The request is missing a required parameter, includes an unsupported parameter or parameter value, repeats a parameter, includes multiple credentials, utilizes more than one mechanism for authenticating the client, or is otherwise malformed.""" error = 'invalid_request'
[docs]class InvalidClient(AccessTokenException): """Client authentication failed (e.g. unknown client, no client credentials included, multiple client credentials included, or unsupported credentials type).""" error = 'invalid_client'
[docs]class UnauthorizedClient(AccessTokenException): """The client is not authorized to request an authorization code using this method.""" error = 'unauthorized_client'
[docs]class InvalidGrant(AccessTokenException): """The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client.""" error = 'invalid_grant'
[docs]class UnsupportedGrantType(AccessTokenException): """The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server.""" error = 'unsupported_grant_type'
[docs]class InvalidScope(AccessTokenException): """The requested scope is invalid, unknown, malformed, or exceeds the scope granted by the resource owner.""" error = 'invalid_scope'
[docs]def handler(request): """Token access handler. Conveneince function that wraps the Handler() callable. **Args:** * *request:* Django HttpRequest object. """ return TokenGenerator()(request)
[docs]class TokenGenerator(object): """Token access handler. Validates authorization codes, refresh tokens, username/password pairs, and generates a JSON formatted authorization code. **Args:** * *request:* Django HttpRequest object. **Kwargs:** * *scope:* An iterable of oauth2app.models.AccessRange objects representing the scope the token generator will grant. *Default None* * *authentication_method:* Type of token to generate. Possible values are: oauth2app.consts.MAC and oauth2app.consts.BEARER *Default oauth2app.consts.BEARER* * *refreshable:* Boolean value indicating whether issued tokens are refreshable. *Default True* """ valid = False code = None client = None access_token = None user = None error = None request = None def __init__( self, scope=None, authentication_method=AUTHENTICATION_METHOD, refreshable=REFRESHABLE): self.refreshable = refreshable if authentication_method not in [BEARER, MAC]: raise OAuth2Exception("Possible values for authentication_method" " are oauth2app.consts.MAC and oauth2app.consts.BEARER") self.authentication_method = authentication_method if scope is None: self.authorized_scope = None elif isinstance(scope, AccessRange): self.authorized_scope = set([scope.key]) else: self.authorized_scope = set([x.key for x in scope]) @csrf_exempt def __call__(self, request): """Django view that handles the token endpoint. Returns a JSON formatted authorization code. **Args:** * *request:* Django HttpRequest object. """ self.grant_type = request.REQUEST.get('grant_type') self.client_id = request.REQUEST.get('client_id') self.client_secret = request.POST.get('client_secret') self.scope = request.REQUEST.get('scope') if self.scope is not None: self.scope = set(self.scope.split()) # authorization_code, see 4.1.3. Access Token Request self.code_key = request.REQUEST.get('code') self.redirect_uri = request.REQUEST.get('redirect_uri') # refresh_token, see 6. Refreshing an Access Token self.refresh_token = request.REQUEST.get('refresh_token') # password, see 4.3.2. Access Token Request = request.REQUEST.get('email') self.username = request.REQUEST.get('username') self.password = request.REQUEST.get('password') # Optional json callback self.callback = request.REQUEST.get('callback') self.request = request try: self.validate() except AccessTokenException, e: return self.error_response() return self.grant_response()
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate the request. Raises an AccessTokenException if the request fails authorization. *Returns None*""" try: self._validate() except AccessTokenException, e: self.error = e raise e self.valid = True
def _validate(self): """Validate the request.""" # Check response type if self.grant_type is None: raise InvalidRequest('No grant_type provided.') if self.grant_type not in [ "authorization_code", "refresh_token", "password", "client_credentials"]: raise UnsupportedGrantType('No grant type: %s' % self.grant_type) if self.client_id is None: raise InvalidRequest('No client_id') try: self.client = Client.objects.get(key=self.client_id) except Client.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidClient("client_id %s doesn't exist" % self.client_id) # Scope if self.scope is not None: access_ranges = AccessRange.objects.filter(key__in=self.scope) access_ranges = set(access_ranges.values_list('key', flat=True)) difference = access_ranges.symmetric_difference(self.scope) if len(difference) != 0: raise InvalidScope("Following access ranges doesn't exist: " "%s" % ', '.join(difference)) if self.grant_type == "authorization_code": self._validate_authorization_code() elif self.grant_type == "refresh_token": self._validate_refresh_token() elif self.grant_type == "password": self._validate_password() elif self.grant_type == "client_credentials": self._validate_client_credentials() else: raise UnsupportedGrantType('Unable to validate grant type.') def _validate_access_credentials(self): """Validate the request's access credentials.""" if self.client_secret is None and "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" in self.request.META: authorization = self.request.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] auth_type, auth_value = authorization.split()[0:2] if auth_type.lower() == "basic": credentials = "%s:%s" % (self.client.key, self.client.secret) if auth_value != b64encode(credentials): raise InvalidClient('Client authentication failed.') else: raise InvalidClient('Client authentication failed.') elif self.client_secret != self.client.secret: raise InvalidClient('Client authentication failed.') def _validate_client_credentials(self): """Validate a client_credentials request.""" self._validate_access_credentials() def _validate_authorization_code(self): """Validate an authorization_code request.""" if self.code_key is None: raise InvalidRequest('No code_key provided') self._validate_access_credentials() try: self.code = Code.objects.get(key=self.code_key) except Code.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidRequest('No such code: %s' % self.code_key) now = TimestampGenerator()() if self.code.expire < now: raise InvalidGrant("Provided code is expired") self.scope = set([x.key for x in self.code.scope.all()]) if self.redirect_uri is None: raise InvalidRequest('No redirect_uri') if normalize(self.redirect_uri) != normalize(self.code.redirect_uri): raise InvalidRequest("redirect_uri doesn't match") def _validate_password(self): """Validate a password request.""" if self.username is None and is None: raise InvalidRequest('No username') if self.password is None: raise InvalidRequest('No password') if self.scope is not None: access_ranges = AccessRange.objects.filter(key__in=self.scope) access_ranges = set(access_ranges.values_list('key', flat=True)) difference = access_ranges.symmetric_difference(self.scope) if len(difference) != 0: raise InvalidScope("""Following access ranges do not exist: %s""" % ', '.join(difference)) if self.authorized_scope is not None: new_scope = self.scope - self.authorized_scope if len(new_scope) > 0: raise InvalidScope( "Invalid scope request: %s" % ', '.join(new_scope)) if "HTTP_AUTHORIZATION" in self.request.META: authorization = self.request.META["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] auth_type, auth_value = authorization.split()[0:2] if auth_type.lower() == "basic": credentials = "%s:%s" % (self.client.key, self.client.secret) if auth_value != b64encode(credentials): raise InvalidClient('Client authentication failed.') else: raise InvalidClient('Client authentication failed.') else: raise InvalidClient('Client authentication failed.') if self.username is not None: user = authenticate(username=self.username, password=self.password) else: user = authenticate(, password=self.password) if user is not None: if not user.is_active: raise InvalidRequest('Inactive user.') else: raise InvalidRequest('User authentication failed.') self.user = user def _validate_refresh_token(self): """Validate a refresh token request.""" if self.refresh_token is None: raise InvalidRequest('No refresh_token') try: self.access_token = AccessToken.objects.get( refresh_token=self.refresh_token) except AccessToken.DoesNotExist: raise InvalidRequest( 'No such refresh token: %s' % self.refresh_token) self._validate_access_credentials() if not self.access_token.refreshable: raise InvalidGrant("Access token is not refreshable.") if self.scope is not None: access_ranges = set([x.key for x in self.access_token.scope.all()]) new_scope = self.scope - access_ranges if len(new_scope) > 0: raise InvalidScope("Refresh request requested scopes beyond" "initial grant: %s" % new_scope)
[docs] def error_response(self): """In the event of an error, return a Django HttpResponse with the appropriate JSON encoded error parameters. *Returns HttpResponse*""" if self.error is not None: e = self.error else: e = InvalidRequest("Access Denied.") data = {'error': e.error, 'error_description': u'%s' % e.message} json_data = dumps(data) if self.callback is not None: json_data = "%s(%s);" % (self.callback, json_data) return HttpResponse( content=json_data, content_type='application/json') else: response = HttpResponse( content=json_data, content_type='application/json') if isinstance(self.error, InvalidClient): response.status_code = 401 else: response.status_code = 400 return response
[docs] def grant_response(self): """Returns a JSON formatted authorization code.""" if not self.valid: raise UnvalidatedRequest("This request is invalid or has not been" " validated.") if self.grant_type == "authorization_code": access_token = self._get_authorization_code_token() elif self.grant_type == "refresh_token": access_token = self._get_refresh_token() elif self.grant_type == "password": access_token = self._get_password_token() elif self.grant_type == "client_credentials": access_token = self._get_client_credentials_token() data = { 'access_token': access_token.token, 'expire_in': ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION} if self.authentication_method == MAC: data["token_type"] = "mac" data["mac_key"] = access_token.mac_key data["mac_algorithm"] = "hmac-sha-256" elif self.authentication_method == BEARER: data["token_type"] = "bearer" if access_token.refreshable: data['refresh_token'] = access_token.refresh_token if self.scope is not None: data['scope'] = ' '.join(self.scope) json_data = dumps(data) if self.callback is not None: json_data = "%s(%s);" % (self.callback, json_data) response = HttpResponse( content=json_data, content_type='application/json') response['Cache-Control'] = 'no-store' return response
def _get_authorization_code_token(self): """Generate an access token after authorization_code authorization.""" access_token = AccessToken.objects.create( user=self.code.user, client=self.client, refreshable=self.refreshable) if self.authentication_method == MAC: access_token.mac_key = KeyGenerator(MAC_KEY_LENGTH)() access_ranges = list(AccessRange.objects.filter(key__in=self.scope)) access_token.scope = access_ranges self.code.delete() return access_token def _get_password_token(self): """Generate an access token after password authorization.""" access_token = AccessToken.objects.create( user=self.user, client=self.client, refreshable=self.refreshable) if self.authentication_method == MAC: access_token.mac_key = KeyGenerator(MAC_KEY_LENGTH)() access_ranges = list(AccessRange.objects.filter(key__in=self.scope)) access_token.scope = access_ranges return access_token def _get_refresh_token(self): """Generate an access token after refresh authorization.""" self.access_token.refresh_token = KeyGenerator(REFRESH_TOKEN_LENGTH)() self.access_token.expire = TimestampGenerator(ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION)() access_ranges = list(AccessRange.objects.filter(key__in=self.scope)) self.access_token.scope = access_ranges return self.access_token def _get_client_credentials_token(self): """Generate an access token after client_credentials authorization.""" access_token = AccessToken.objects.create( user=self.client.user, client=self.client, refreshable=self.refreshable) if self.authentication_method == MAC: access_token.mac_key = KeyGenerator(MAC_KEY_LENGTH)() access_ranges = list(AccessRange.objects.filter(key__in=self.scope)) self.access_token.scope = access_ranges return self.access_token